Saturday, November 8, 2008

The High Desert Home Show

This weekend is the High Desert Home Show at the Victorville Fairgrounds. I really have a love-hate relationship with the home show. We have a booth at both the April and November shows.
This November is no exception.

We've decided not to participate in the "theory" that there is a recession and nobody wants to buy things. This is an evil plot carried out by the Media and we are just plain stupid if we buy into it. Fear is the selling point to the media.That's how they sell their programs. They tease you with what might happen and we idiots just sit around and make it a self-fullfilling prophecy.

The love-hate thing comes into play with all the effort and TIME it takes to prepare, set up and take down. ( that's the hate part). The Love part comes with all the cool people who come by and talk to you. I see lots of clients and friends (they're really the same thing). I actually get paid to talk to them! I also get to meet lots of new people, see my compadres in the business and connect with other business who I might buy from and refer and vicey versey.

This year the displays are awesome! (including mine by the way). Come by and see us and all the other vendors at the Home Show and prove all those Media Monsters wrong!

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