Well, here in the usually sunny high desert, we finally got our first snow. A bit dissapointing with just an inch or two, not even picture worthy.
I remember the first year we moved here from "down below" in the greater LA basin where I lived most of my life and never saw it snow. Talking on the phone one day with my daughter in Boise shortly after we moved here, I peered out the window to see gigantic snow flakes coming down. They kept coming, and coming, and coming! It was fabulous! A warm fire in the fireplace and a winter wonderland all around. We got about 4-5 inches that first snow and I was hooked! So lovely, melted all away without a problem in a few days.
I came to long for the snow events. I was born in Iowa and snow is not so beloved by my family who lived their adulthoods there. As a landscaper, and a self-employed person who has to work every day want to or not, snow gives me an excuse written by Mother Nature herself! I get to take snow days and I'm not even in school.

Last year, pictured here was a different story for me. We got 2 feet of snow!! As you can see by the picture there was a lot of snow for southern California. We couldnt even get out the driveway for 5 days until a friend with a tractor came and scraped us out!
There was so much snow that our heater vent was covered and the heater wouldnt work so we (me) had to shovel o
ur way to the firewood shed to keep us warm until enough snow melted to allow the heater to work again.

So I am looking forward to snow this year again, but I think I'll take the lighter kind somewhere inbetween a dusting and 2 feet!
I hope everyone has all their irrigation pipes insulated. Even with the insulation, we had a lot of broken pipes calls last year. We only had one client of ours that had a problem with their valve so that's a good sign.
So Get on with blogging already